Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It has been such a long time since I wrote anything for my blog. It's been a busy, intense time. A busy and intense year, full of change and joy and laughter and grief and love and tenderness and tears.

I fell in love last summer - a love that kind of snuck up on me in the guise of a dear friend and then with one kiss, tender and true, late one evening after a rain, out in my drive, my world turned upside down. I'd never been kissed like that before, not ever. It happened that very moment. I had been teetering on an edge, unsure, insecure, defiant. But with that kiss - I fell!! I think, now, the better way to say it is that it turned my world right side up. Set it right. From that moment, I have felt a wonderful sense of peace in this love. He is just right for me. We are just right for each other.

And so I have found myself, after many years alone (even in relationships, I have remained alone, apart), sharing my life and all its many facets. I find myself opening, becoming, changing. It is a strange and wonderful process. It is amazing and sometimes quite challenging. It is, I think, love at its best.

In January, my father was diagnosed with two large, malignant brain tumors. In four short weeks, he was gone from us. He died without pain, with great faith and trust in what lay beyond. From the time he was a very small child until the day he died, my father never doubted that God would take care of him. God's care was as natural and real to my father as breathing. And so, in his last days, we all were witness to that continued faith and God's continued care. My father walked a very holy path that we were able to share with him only for a brief time and then watch him as he left us to follow it on, smiling and certain.

He left us many gifts. His death in itself gave us the gift of our renewed love for one another. Jay, Karen, Eric, and Emily - my brothers and sisters who share my history from its start. My children, who know me like and love me like no one else. My nieces and nephews and the way they are like my brothers and sisters and yet they are their own. And my sweet little mom - we saw her strength and dignity in those days. We always knew in some part of us she possessed such as this but never had we seen her demonstrate that grace, dignity and strength so clearly, so exquisitely. And my Scott - the tenderness of his soul like a balm for me and my family. He reached out and offered all that he had - his kind heart, his strong hand, and his steady shoulders.

I am so grateful for all that we felt and shared. I am so grateful for the way my eyes were opened and my heart was touched. I am so grateful for the family I've been given.

There are days when I miss my father so intensely that I don't want to do anything at all. I want to be immobile. I want to be alone and I want to grieve. I wrote a song for my father in the weeks after he was diagnosed with the tumors. I play it often - it connects me to him. My music comes from my father, handed down to me, a great inheritance. Sometimes when I play his song, though, I am filled with regret. I wish I could have played it for him. I spent the night at the hospital with him the last night of his life. It was a long night. My guitar was in my car and I could have played it for him. I was afraid that the hospital folks wouldn't like the disruption. Maybe it might have soothed him more than my touch or my voice.............

Life is too short for regrets such as these and I know my father would agree. I think perhaps I may take my guitar out to his grave one evening when I am home for a visit and play it for him there. There's a bench and a tall cherry tree there. And wind chimes. I think he would have liked that.

My son Jacob spent three months in New Zealand this spring. It was the longest separation of our lives together so far. It was a long three months. I became obsessed with checking my email!! And I cherished every email I got from him. What a great adventure! Oh to be that young and that brave again!

My son Daniel fell in love, too! I have watched his heart heal and his courage and confidence return. She adores him! And he adores her! And they both need that. We all need someone in our lives to adore us!! I think that should become mandatory somehow!

Scott and I got married in May. I never thought I'd ever do it again. I had long since come to the conclusion that I was destined to remain single for the duration but......... there he was with this great big love for me and when I realized I was not afraid to accept it - then I knew it was the right thing to do. I love him and I love the man he is - I mean the man he really is - because that man is a good man, honest and simple. He gives me great joy.

In the past few weeks I have started having full-blown, internally combusting, send-me-to-the-moon-like-a-rocket hot flashes! Oh!! I forgot!! You're supposed to call them power surges!! And power surges is about the best description for them!! They are very impressive, these things. Indescribable. I won't even try. They make me want to laugh and cry at the same time. I have always been cold! Always. I've always been the one in the group who complained about the air conditioning being too cold! Now, I keep wondering who turned the air conditioning off!! Every time I get a power surge and find myself quickly covered in a fine sweat, I feel like I could run a mile! Or maybe it feels like I just did! Wouldn't it be great if those power surges could do the same thing for you as running a mile?! I wouldn't have to be on this diet I'm on!!

I've been anticipating this time coming. I've been a little fearful, a little anxious. It's an intimidating prospect, ya know? Like "Hold on!! Here you go! Everything's getting ready to change and there's nothing you can do about it!!" My family doctor told me that this is BIG!! REALLY BIG!! HUGE!! Seriously, she used those words! She asked me if I remembered what it was like when it all got started and said it was even bigger than that! I told her to PLEASE not tell me that again because I went completely nuts when it all started!! "But!", she said, "Now you have wisdom!"

Tell you the truth, that was not much of a comfort. I don't feel so wise. I think of the wisdom that my mother has or that my grandmother had or, especially, that my great-grandmother had (she lived to 95!!). I don't have that yet!! I haven't had enough time! But there's no putting the brakes on life! No matter what or how we try - life keeps on coming at us!

But I know this for certain - I am a strong woman! I got that from my mom just as sure as I got her fair skin, brown eyes, and small hands! I have more strength than many. I'll be okay. This is a part of the way life moves through us. And so I am grateful for this as well.

Life moves through us, ever-changing. Hold me close to your heart and I will do the same for you. Peace comes.

And, I suppose, wisdom will come as well.