Friday, March 1, 2013

The beauty of dreams.........

I haven't written anything here for a very long time.  Life has kept me too busy and too caught up.  I have been missing it - my writing.  All of my writing has been missing from my life.  And it's a part of me that is constantly pawing at the surface, trying to find its way out.  I have a new song, slowly growing inside with a whole concept and lines coming together little by little.  I have several poems brewing.  I have thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts fighting for my attention, longing for some avenue of expression.  And I have this little voice that keeps whispering in my ear, saying "You know you'd feel better if you'd just get off your duff and let us out."  So here I am.

I had an experience today that brought about one of those clear and shining epiphanies that seeks a place to be heard.  An epiphany that wants to be thought out loud.  I want to share it.

A young woman, a coworker, who has become very precious to me, shared with me a dream she had.  She has had this dream once before, and it visited her again last night.  She said she dreamed that she was in a park - a beautiful place, so beautiful that it is one of those places that is only found in dreams.  And she was playing with her two year old son.  Her partner was sitting on a bench near by and there was another little boy, standing near him, watching her at play with her son.  The little boy just stood and watched.  Her partner finally asked the little boy if he could help him find his mommy.  And the little boy said, "No.  I'm watching her play with her other little boy."  Several years ago, my friend lost a child during pregnancy.  He was growing and moving and they were eagerly anticipating his birth, when he suddenly stopped moving and they discovered that he would be stillborn.  She still grieves for that little boy, everyday.  I can see it in her eyes.  Her grief does not govern over her, but it is always there.

I sat close to her and touched her arm and tried to be as still as possible.  She was allowing me the privilege to see a part of her soul.  I was so touched by her trust.  I could see her dream as clearly as if I had dreamed it myself.  The park, the color of the trees, the sunlight moving in the grass, and I could see just a brief glimpse of that little boy, who he was and still is in her heart.  Huge tears spilled over her eyes and down her cheeks.  She was so moved in the remembering of the little baby she lost and by the whisper of him from the place where he has gone.

I came to realize how beautiful this thing is - this ability we have as humans to dream like this.  What an incredible gift it is!  I said, "He's telling you he's alright."  And she cried, "I hope so! I hope sometime, I will see him again." 

And the epiphany for me was this:  it does not really matter where this dream came from.  Either way, it is an incredibly beautiful thing.  Perhaps it is a message.  I believe that such messages happen, though I know many people do not. I believe that there is but a very thin veil that separates us from those we love who have gone on before us.  And if there is a way that their essense comes back to us - in dream or vision or guidance or protection - that truly is powerful and exceptional beauty.  And if, as many folks would say, the dream was just her mind's way of creating a picture to comfort her - how cool is that?!  How amazing and awesome that her mind can do that - create a beautiful and lasting picture that connects her to a soul she only got to hold for a brief but profound part of her life.  Either way - it moves me very deeply.

I have been thinking about my father these days.  So much and so often.  Yesterday marked four years since he died and went on ahead.  I am so lonely for him sometimes.  But so many times, he comes to me in such beautiful ways.  In the way my sons express ideas, in the way my sister smiles, in the rising notes of a violin, in the very love I feel when he is in the middle of one of my childhood memories.  This, too, is beautiful.  The way my mind can hold him so closely.

I am reminded of Langston Hughes' poem about dreams - "Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go, life if a barren field frozen with snow."

I was humbled by my friend's dream and in her willingness to share it.  And I am grateful to have been allowed in to see it.  I have been saying, "Thank you" all evening.

Peace and love and light y'all.
I'll be back again soon.  I hope you will be, too.
Thanks for listening.