Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'll be the first to admit........

I am ADDICTED!! I can sit for hours and just knit, purl, knit, purl, turn, increase, decrease, knitknitknitknitknit! My fingers are sore from knitting so much. My wrists ache and my neck is stiff! But I just can't stop. I think I need some therapy!!

Hey!! Wait a minute!! This IS my therapy!

For those of you non-knitters out there, try it! You might just like it, too! For all the quilters, sewers, carvers, tinkerers, painters, and the like - I understand! This creating with your hands is a wonderful thing. And I think to myself, too, that I even get to make something that's going to keep somebody I love warm!! That's pretty darn cool!

So I'm on the second sleeve of the first of four sweaters, plus I have a shawl that's almost done and a blanket that's just gotten started (that's just for the Christmas rush!). Then I'm on to another couple of sweaters, a felted bag (I need my mom to explain some of the directions to me!), and an Irish poncho.

I think I'll be knitting well into warm weather! Knit 1, purl 1, knit 2, purl 2. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven......... that's the cadence of my life these days.

Could be much worse, ya know!? I could be addicted to cocaine! Or meth! Or heroin!

Nope! It's knitting!

Peace to ya!


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Amy and I am a computer game-aholic.

But I think I have addiction envy; at least you have something lovely to show for your habit.

Keep on using, baby!

I'm not Lisa said...

Hey Amy,
I'm a computer game-aholic, too! And a Sudoku nut! I'm also addicted to the snooze alarm! So, while all addictions are not so productive, they aren't all bad either!!