Back home, back at work, back to life in the real world. It's a new year. That time of year to make the annual resolutions again. I've got a list of them this year! I thought, "Well, might as well give it another go!". (I did have one year that I did very very well on my new year's resolution - the only year that I only made one resolution and the only year that I kept the resolution - and that was to eat more chocolate!). So I have the usuals - drink more water, exercise more, eat a healthier diet. And then some new ones - visit my mom and dad more often, eat less cheese and more fruit, and - here's a cool one!! walk ten to twenty minutes every day and smile while I'm doing it!
The big resolution for the year, though, is this: Avoid the "D's". Avoid Dating, by which I can avoid being Dumped and therefore avoid Depression.
Yes, I am jaded. Yes, I'm still aching. No, I'm not worried about having a year in which I don't date (or even two or three years!!). I've been longer than that before! I am not running from anything or anyone. I just want to steer clear of that thing that bruises my self-esteem and makes me feel incapable of managing myself in the world. In my brain, I know that it's not that I can't manage myself in the world - I just can't manage a relationship. But in my heart, I again feel like a failure, like it will never ever happen for me, like it will never ever work out, like I'm stupid and crazy for even trying, like I don't deserve to be loved just like I am. That's my heart speaking there. And my heart speaks a lot louder to my spirit than my head does. And then......... well, anyway.
So New Year's resolution number seven is a big one. I'm thinking I might need to pick a number eight - something like drink four Newcastles (or two Guiness mixed with two domestics -black and tans) once a week and dance until I'm breathless or maybe just eat a Hershey's Bar with Almonds once a week - I'm thinking number eight might just soften number seven and make it a little easier to live with!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Wish me luck!
And Happy New Year to you! Peace.
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