Main Entry: hip·pie
Variant(s): hip·py \ˈhi-pē\
Function: noun
Plural: hippies
Date: 1965
Definition: a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic;
broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person.
Yup, I guess I'd fit the definition. At least I think I would. Or at least I used to.......
I travelled across the world to serve on a mission team in an orphanage in Russia. The first day we were there, on the way back from lunch, one of our Russian interpreters asked me, "Did you used to be a hippie?"
The last day we were there, just as we were leaving, the regional director said to me, "I want to ask you a question that I've wanted to ask you all week. I hope this is not rude. But, do you know the American movie Forrest Gump?"
"Yes," I said, and smiled - I figured I already knew what was coming.
"You know the girl in this movie?"
"Yes, Ginny," I said.
"Yes, Ginny. Did you used to be like her?"
I guess the "used to be" part must have something to do with the part of the definition that includes the word "young". I guess you could call me an old hippie but I think I'd rather say I "used to be a hippie" rather than that I'm an "old hippie"!
I got a big kick out of it. All the way across the world, and still the hippie in me is recognizable! And I don't smoke pot, wear beads, or smell like patchouli! I don't know what part of me shines the hippiness through, but I think it's pretty groovy that it does.
Peace man!
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