Sunday, September 15, 2019

Time marches on and does not waver, does not stop.
The intensity and the inevitability of aging threatens to overwhelm my happier self.
I want to be as young in my body as I am in my spirit.
I was born an old soul with a fiery, fighting spirit.
My soul now calls my spirit to take her place among the crones.
My spirit rebels even as my body, tired and weary, longs to simply be still and be whole.
She cannot be young.  So my body resolves she would settle for still, free of aching and longing.

Set me on a road, dear God, that leads up into the mountains.
Let me wander, untethered and at peace.
Let me walk in the quiet and marvel at the beauty and the grace of living things.
Let me capture my restless spirit in the breath of the wind
And settle her down in the curve of the mountain path
To listen to the ancients
And be as one of them
Constant and alive
Holding the light as it sinks in the west
Breathing out the pain of age by breathing in the gratitude of living.

----September 15, 2019

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