How in the world can a person wade through all of the hooplah and baloney to get to the bottom of this whole mess? He says - she says- they say - they do - they don't - I will - I won't. Good grief!! No wonder the every day American is sick of it and just says "to hell with it!".
Any suggestions where I might find some good, solid, HONEST, easy to read information so that I might truly make an informed decision when I vote?
I could use the help! I want to vote. I want to vote for the candidate with whom I feel I can align myself without compromising the things I believe in. I don't even know what most of them believe because they're too busy speaking in tongues.
1 comment:
Are you Lisa Stevens? I just did an Eastern Shore blog scan and found you and we have your CD! My husband is a Turkey Pen Pickers Stalker and Bill loaned us your music. We are also bluegrass fans and liberal, funky-types. Stop by and visit awhile.
By the by, funny blog title. I know that song!
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