I had one of those long, heavy, bordering-on-unconsciousness, face-stuck-to-the-pillow, don't-know-where-you-are-when-waking, "oh-my-God!-did-I-miss-the-pager", sleeps last night. I was on call. I rarely sleep like that anyway, but almost never when I'm on call. I've been taking a medicine for a couple of months that seriously intensified my chronic insomniac ways. After six weeks of no good sleep, I called my doc and said "Get me off this!!". I've been on call nine nights in the past 14. I've been up most of the night, most of those call nights, too. And I was up literally all night Friday night. I can feel the exhaustion in my bones, especially in my lower back and hips.
So I guess I was just due to crash and burn. I was out!! The old farmhouse where I live is very very cold!! I have flannel sheets, two quilts, and a down comforter on the bed to keep warm at night (and a hot water bottle!!), so I really do burrow down in there. I woke up this morning, having missed church, missed early rounds at the hospital, and fearful that I'd missed the pager going off (I didn't - yeah!!). All I could say was "holy crapoley, it's 12 o'clock!!??".
I'm hoping that as the medicine continues to wear off, I'll have some more nights sleeping like that. It's been a long time since I have!! It felt good!
I'm already ready for a nap!!
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