Did you feel it this morning? Did you feel it in the air? She is coming back to us. She's on her way. The warm sun that pulls the sleeping flowers from the ground and wakes the sleepy, stiff earth. The winter wheat is green and will soon start to grow tall. The days are longer. The nights are losing their bite. Today is the start of that drawn out game of push and pull, as spring starts her approach and winter threatens to keep her at bay. The time when the bushes start to flower then another hard freeze will leave the blossoms wilted on the ground.
But I could feel her this morning. She's coming. My spirit is lifting her sleepy head, anxious to see her here, but leary, too, of stepping out too soon, only to be caught in the cold. She's coming.
The sun is coming back to us and soon Spring will be here. In all her glory, she will soon come. Bless the days of warm sunshine. Bless the nights to deep sleep. Soon the whole world will be awake!
I am ready.
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