Monday, March 31, 2008
Fred made me a rough mix of each of the songs and I think I met both challenges. I'll have to listen through another twenty times or so to be sure. He also made me a rough mix of the three songs that my son Daniel played the bass and djimbe on. They sound so great!! Especially the djimbe!! And his timing with both the bass and the djimbe is so in sync with mine! I had to call him up and play the CD over the phone for him! I think it'll be a really good record when we get it done. I decided to take my time on it. Do a little at a time so as to spread out the cost and the energy; to really think through all the songs and get a vision for each one. I'm hoping it'll be a 2008 release!! But we'll see.
I am very tired today and over-worked and sleep-deprived. I am looking forward to getting off work this evening, heading to the grocery store for a six-pack of cold beer and the fixins for chicken and rice, then home to unwind and decompress. Work has been so busy. And a bit crazy, too.
It'll be good to crawl into my bed tonight. I was very cold early this morning when I got to go to sleep for a couple of hours. I'm putting the extra quilt back on the bed tonight and filling up the hot water bottle, too! Make myself a nest and crawl in.
Only five more weeks until I head to Russia. I'm getting very excited. A little nervous, too, but mostly getting the start of that wonderful feeling I once heard Maya Angelou call "journey proud."
Friday, March 28, 2008
Living at the Zoo......
Jericho the old cat, a calico, and I have shared our living space together now for 15 years. She has moved with me many times in that fifteen years: from Raleigh location #1 to Raleigh location #2 to Morganton location #1 to Morganton location #2 to Morganton location #3 to the Eastern Shore of Virginia. I worried about this last move and about how she might fair. She actually did quite well, and I can see a spring in her step again. I think she likes living at the farm. She seems to be in good health and she's gotten a helluvalot nicer in the past year (she's been known to bite or claw suddenly and without provacation - I haven't seen her do that in more than a year). She's not all that friendly with her housemates (meaning Pete the bitch-from-hell cat or Baby the low-man-on-the-totem-pole/black lab. ) She gets along alright with Buster the cat-who-lives-in-the-tree, if and when Buster comes down out of the tree. Jericho and Buster both know the secret entrance into the root cellar through the maze of pipes under the house. Pete hasn't figured it out yet or maybe he just can't jump from where the pipes come through the wall down to the floor of the root cellar so therefore doesn't utilize that route into the root cellar which then leads up to the back porch. I looked out the window on the kitchen door the other evening and Buster the cat-who-lives-in-the-tree and Jericho the old cat were curled up together on the dog bed on the back porch. It was a sweet site. I guess they've decided to team up in defense of Pete the bitch-from-hell-cat.
So about this Pete the bitch-from-hell cat? I've never had a cat that bitches at me as much as Pete does. He actually SCREAMS at me. I've had demanding cats before, that pester you and whine whine whine when they don't get their way. But I've never had one that SCREAMED at me before. Example - Pete'll be outside, where he has been remanded much of the time these days because he's such a pain in the ass and he's as bad as Jericho about NOT using the litter box but using the area AROUND the litter box instead. Pete recently ruined one of my good suitcases (one from the set of luggage that I saved an entire summer to buy). So he'll be outside and not too happy about being outside. And he'll whine whine whine at the back door. Sometimes he'll come all the way around the house, crying this mournful pitiful, "nobody-knows-the-troubles-I've-seen" kind of cry - a cross between a Siamese and a Malamute in heat (I know I'm mixing my metaphors here, but - you get the picture, right?). So he'll be crying and crying ..... But when I finally feel sorry for him and go to open the door and let him in - he SCREAMS at me. And he continues to scream at me for the next "however long you want to drag this out" length of time until he seemingly gets everything he wants: fresh food in the bowl (EVEN IF he just ate outside), fresh water in the bowl (even if there's already fresh water in the bowl - "snap to, you worthless human, I want my own fresh water"), the chance to harrass Jericho the old cat by obnoxiously ramming his nose up her backside repeatedly until she rises to the challenge and hisses at him so that he can swat her a couple of times and show her he IS, in fact, bigger even if he does have a non-functioning back leg, useless and unworkable back claws, and, in reality, fear of the old cat herself. He STILL has to try to make some point. Then he screams some more until I pick him up, put him down, pick him up and scratch his neck, put him down, and pick him up again. Then he'll generally bitch some more until I either sling him out the front door or inadvertently turn my back on his bitching long enough that he can sneak up behind me and sink his front claws into my calf at least halfway to the bone if not all the way! He is, by far, the single-most bitching-est cat I've ever met - bar none, not even a Siamese!!
We have a whole complex system for feeding everybody so that everybody gets something to eat but that fighting and arguing are limited and so the dog actually eats the dog food and not the cat food (because if she eats the cat food - her favorite - then the whole crazy process has to start over again!). I have to feed Jericho on the back porch, Pete in the kitchen, and Buster on the front porch. Baby has to stay in my presence the entire time until all cat food has been consumed by cats, then Pete has to go out the back door, Jericho has to come in but be out of the kitchen, Buster is left to fend for himself and generally ends up back in the tree as Pete will make a beeline for the front yard as soon as suppertime is over. Then Baby gets to eat. Then I get to eat. And nothing that I am eating is sacred! Oh, no!! That would be asking too much. I had a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup on the kitchen table the other day, still steaming, and went upstairs to answer the phone. When I ventured back in the kitchen, I found Baby with her front paws up on the table and half of my soup already down her gullet!! (Her gullet was blistered, I'm sure! And it served her right! She got kicked out of the house for the rest of the evening!).
Then we have the whole bedtime ritual........!! I'll save that for another time. Trust me that it is a fiasco as well!
It's a zoo at my house! It's crazy! It's a full time job. It's the nuttiest way to live ever. And it's making me crazy. This cute sweet fiesty little orange and white tabby cat, who survived being run over by a truck, who came back from near death and learned to walk again - that sweet cat that I fell in love with - he has disappeared into the world of testosterone and aggression, and has changed the whole peaceful nature of our home. He's turned into an obnoxious, mouthy, pain in the ass, sorry excuse for a house pet. I KNOW I KNOW!! OFF WITH HIS BULLOCKS - THAT'LL FIX HIM!! We'll see. I'm not convinced that is the entire solution but I'm trying to save up the money to have it done. His original owner (servant) (adopted as he was by the cat not the other way around) was supposed to have had this done before the cat ever ventured into my house. But then the truck accident happened and then the rest of the stuff happened and so I'm stuck with a cat who seriously needs his bullocks removed and a vet that charges more than I can afford just now.
But it won't be LONG!! I keep telling Pete that! "If you don't stop bitching at me like this and if you continue to refuse to let Buster come down out of the tree (I have literally watched Pete lay at the foot of the tree ALL DAY just to keep Buster up there), if you keep molesting the old lady cat (spayed since kittenhood), and eating the dog's food (when she is forbidden to eat yours!!) then I'm gonna have to take you in and OFF THEY GO!! Snip, snip!! I mean it, Pete!!" He generally responds by cussing me out with cat curse words. If you've ever been cussed out by someone in a foreign language - where you don't know the exact words by the general meaning is clear - then you know what it's like to be cussed out by Pete!
It's a zoo. Come watch sometime. I'm sure you'll be quite entertained!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Blistering Obsessions

I watched you holding hands and the little voice, the dark voice,
Whispered behind me, "You don't deserve that. Look! Yes, look! THAT you will not have. THAT?! Oh no no, you don't deserve that."
I looked over my shoulder in indignation and rage at the demon with his whispering, crushing voice
But I had to hide the fear in my eyes.
I wanted my children. I became like a child, calling for its mother,
A mother calling for her child.
I longed for the sense of a complete self, the whole person that I felt in my children's presence
And in the good job I did as their mother
Or even when I didn't, oh how they held me up anyway.
I wanted to discover you and open myself to you.
I wanted to hold your hand and be the painter of stars in your eyes.
I dreamed a thousand different dreams of you and me, holding hands.
But the hand you hold is a hand you dream is softer and sweeter than my own.
You didn't see my hand held out. You didn't see me.
I am the invisible, the unconsidered.
You walked on without a notice of my hands, hoping for touch.
When the voice whispers and the calamity of doubt crawls in,
Slipping into the space between my secret desires and my deepest fears,
I long for the familiar - the soft head of a child against my shoulder,
Soothing my soul, wanting nothing more than that.
I am a normal human, I guess, to want what I know is sweet.
But more often now, I am a woman with passion and love in limbo,
Watching hands being held and hearts dancing in sparks.
Longing like a child for its mother, a mother for her child.
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Travelling mercies..............
Jacob got stuck in Colorado today. I was on my way to Raleigh to visit my parents and planned to pick him up at the Raleigh-Durham Airport at 3:30 this afternoon. He missed his flight this morning and was stranded, almost hysterical with exhaustion and frustration. Between the two of us and the wonders of modern technology (i.e. cell phones), we got him onto a flight tomorrow. He should be back in Raleigh at 2, which will still give us some time to spend together before I have to head back to Virginia.
It's a bad feeling when your child (and I don't care how old they get - they're ever your child) is stranded and bewildered and there's nothing you can do for him or her other than to talk, listen, let the curse words fly free, keep answering the phone, and keep saying, "it'll be alright". I'll be glad when he's back. I'll be glad when I can see his face.
My trip was very uneventful except for the events unfolding on his trip. My drive was smooth, traffic was not too bad, and my folks are both doing alright.
I've got to go get some lasagna. More later......
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I wanted to share this site with a friend of mine who works here at the hospital. He and I had a discussion back in January about how hard it was to find good music on the radio these days. About how much trash there was out there plus you have to listen to all that yacking, which drives me insane. So I wrote down the link and some artist recommendations to kind of get him started and took them down to my friend. It was cool - he hadn't ever heard of the site either, so I actually got to introduce it to somebody else!! He got to telling me about an AM radio station that he used to listen when he was working in Kentucky. It was out of a university and was kind of a cross between a student-run station and an NPR station. He talked about how much great music he heard on that station when he could catch just right and tune it in.
And this memory came to my mind so clearly and so powerfully, it was like yesterday.......
It was at Christmas time in 1978. I had just finished my third semester at Appalachian State University and promptly dropped out, much to the profound dismay and disgust of my hard-working parents. My father's rule was our college experience was a one-shot deal and if you quit - that was it, his duty was done and we were on our own. And he meant on our own!! We were welcome to come home to visit but not to live. My father always meant what he said. Always. Six years later, when I returned to college, it was on my own dollar and I found myself wishing I could have had the benefit of foresight.........
I had just dropped out of school and was working at the ski slope on Beech Mountain. I was not quite 20. My father bought me a car!! I was floored. I was so surprised. He certainly saved me from a lot of struggle!! He told me that if I was going to drop out of school and work full-time I was going to need a car. It was his seeing-me-off-into-adulthood gift. It was a 1966 Volkswagon Beetle. It had a six-volt battery, dim headlights, and the automatic defrost was opening the window! Somtimes the windshields wipers worked, sometimes they did not. I loved that car. I had that car for 3 1/2 years. I drove the hell out of it!! I drove it everywhere!! It could go anywhere in the snow. It could go miles and miles on a gallon of gas. It had 135,000 miles on it when I got it, and I put another 135,000 miles on it before an obnoxious rich kid in his dad's station wagon pulled out in front of me on Highway 221 and totalled it. I cried for days. I grieved over the loss of that car.
The particular memory I had today was about the night I drove home to the mountains in that new-old car. I was only in Raleigh at my parents for two days because it was Christmas time and I was working at the ski slope - a busy time at the ski slopes. My mother made me a rust-colored wool poncho that year for Christmas with a hood on it and a big pocket on the front. Very hippie-ish, I loved it. I thought I looked very cool in that poncho (plus it was very warm which I would soon learn was quite important in that little VW for all parts of your body except for your feet - which tended to cook). So I loaded up my stuff and put on my new poncho and headed back to the mountains. It was the first of hundreds of drives I would make, alone, and then later alone with my children, between Raleigh and Boone over the next 15 years. It was that night that I started to realize how much I love to travel. Short distances or long distances, places known or unknown, it doesn't matter to me - I just like the adventure.
When I was coming up the mountain from Wilkesboro to Deep Gap, I got a radio station on that little AM radio that was being broadcast out of Ohio or Kentucky or Missouri - somewhere in that part of the country. It was coming a LONG way!! It was a folkie station and they were playing some great music. Some I'd never heard before, some that was as familiar as the songs I played myself on my beat-up Yamaha classical guitar. It was an absolutely crystal clear night. The stars were blazing over head. They were breath-taking. And I remember, more than anything, that I was filled with the great gift, the great sense of "possibility". I felt like I could do anything, go anywhere, be whoever I decided to be. And there was no hurry in making the decision. Not then. I had time and youth and that lingering adolescent sense of immortality that would stay with me until I became a parent myself!
I remember coming across the mountain and looking back over my shoulder and down into the valley below. The sight left me breathless, overwhelmed, in love with my new home - the beautiful western North Carolina mountains. And the music - that clear, lovely music from the heartland of America - my own personal soundtrack - folk music as ever and always.
I hadn't thought about that night for many years. It was a wonderful, small gift my mind gave to me today. Left me smiling, with an inside smile that's lasted all afternoon.
Pretty cool, huh?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Spring Peepers.......

Friday, March 7, 2008
Eve Marie Carson

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The long sleep...................

Monday, March 3, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Daniel and Emily
It's a big event!
It's a mom thing, I guess, this cleaning every inch of every surface! And a middle-aged thing, too, this becoming such a big event! And a living-in-the-middle-of-nowhere, far-removed-from-family-and-friends thing, too! I can't wait!!!
This is my son, Daniel. Looks like me, don't you think? And this is his sweet girlfriend, Emily. She looks like me, too! She's a red head, so I liked her immediately. She's fair and freckled and she loves my son - so she's GOT to be a good woman!! In all sincerity, she is a good woman - smart, sweet, patient. I took this picture the weekend of the Surviving the Winter party. She spent the weekend surrounded by "the boys" - Daniel, Jacob, Sam, and Eric. And she was right there in the middle of things, not about to be overwhelmed by all the testosterone!
So I'd best get back to work. Dishes need washing and I'm determined to get the kitchen floor mopped if it kills me!! (I hate mopping!!). I've got to make a run to the recycling place and then on to the grocery store to get the stuff to make one of Daniel's favorite meals.
We're going into the studio tomorrow. Daniel's going to play bass, djimbe, and maybe even the mandolin on several of the songs I've already gotten recorded. I can't wait!
So celebrate the day with me! One of my soul mate's is coming to his mama's house for a visit. We'll be playing music and eating good food and talking talking talking! We'll be having a few Guniness, too, I'm sure, to toast the occasion.
Peace and love to you all.