I went home yesterday afternoon with a bizarre episode of pain that radiated from the middle of my back down through my hips and from just below my belly button down to my thighs. It felt like my insides were going to explode. Being the compulsive nurse that I am, a myriad of things ran through my mind - kidney stone, a twisted ovary, appendicitis, pyleonephritis, colon cancer (I have a serious cancer paranoia), a rupturing ovarian cyst........ the list could go on, but I'll spare you. More than anything, I just wanted to get home and soak in the bath tub. Hot water is my cure-all for everything. That helped a little, but not enough. I figured if I could go to sleep, the pain would magically resolve itself while I was sleeping. And, of course, it did.
The interesting thing was that I went to sleep about a quarter till 6 and slept until 7:15 this morning. I was awakened at about 2:30 by thunder booms and lightening and realized that my dog Baby and Pete the cat were both outside in the middle of the big storm. So I got up to let them in. Baby came right in, but Pete was unwilling to come out from under the corner bush into the rain.
I slept a long time. I don't know why I slept so long. As folks always say, I must have needed it. I don't know why I needed that much sleep. I'm still sleepy today. I feel like I could go back to sleep right now and sleep until tomorrow.
Must be the last lingering vestige of winter hibernation. My body must be holding on.
Personally, I'm ready for spring and working in the garden and walking around the fields as the sun is setting and building a fire in the chiminea to sit beside at night.
This yawning thing, though!! I have yawned and yawned and yawned. Like a new baby or a new puppy. Nap time, I guess.
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