I know the wonderful gift of friendship. I've been lucky. Life's twists and turns have put many good, strong, loving, kind, gentle friends in my path. I've been extra-fortunate, in that, two of my closest friends are my children. I know not everyone can say that.
And I have great friends through my music community. Friends I count as some of the most dear folks in the world - the guys who help me keep believing that there are good men in this world!
But I've been especially lucky to have had so many fine women add grace to my life.
I talked with my oldest friend Katy last night for about an hour. I woke her up when I called. I had just watched a wonderful film and I felt the strongest need to tell her about it. Despite that long conversation, I never did get around to telling her about the fim. We talked about work, my kids, music, God, cats, food, and the coming of Spring. We've been friends since high school. We have a lot of common history. Our friendship has weathered time, distance, children, marriages, divorces, failed relationships, unemployment, near bankruptcy, illnesses, and the emotional upheavals that accompany all those things. Still the friendship lives on. Still I know she's always there. I know I can call her anytime, even wake her up, and she'll be right there to listen.
I also talked to my friend Bobbi for a long while last night. I told her the whole movie! She listened to every detail. She listened to me go on and on about it. She told me about all the goings-on at work and home and with friends there in the mountains. We hadn't talked in a couple of days so we had to catch up, ya know! We talked for awhile about "good men". She has one. We have that discussion a lot. I was telling her about a conversation I had with Laurie (one of my newest friends and my partner-in-crime at work) about the collapse of a relationship. Laurie was telling me that I "deserved" a wonderful, strong, loving man. I told Laurie I "deserved" to be single!! Bobbi hates it when I talk like that. She loves me and would like for me to find what she has. I understand her feelings. There have been so many things that I've learned and experienced and discovered that I've wanted her to experience, too. That's what friends do. They want good and wonderful things for each other.
When I was driving home from North Carolina on Sunday night, I called my friend Cindy in Tryon. She's running for County Commissioner there! And she just became a grandmother!! So we had a lot to catch up on. I love to listen to Cindy talk. She has more passion about life and all its intricacies than anyone I've ever known. I always hang up feeling filled up. That's another thing that friends do - they fill each other up.
On Monday night, I went to Kelly's Pub to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with two new friends, Michele and Theresa - the Ya-Ya Sisterhood reinvented!! We had a blast. We giggled and laughed and bitched and moaned and compared notes on all sorts of things. We did a lot of smiling! My face was sore from smiling so much! That's another things that friends do - they bring out the smiles in ya! And the laughter! And the tears and the anger, too, because they're a safe place to cry and a safe place to rage.
I loved this picture because I know, way down deep in my soul, that I will have friends like this. Friends who will know me when I'm old and who will still make me laugh, make me smile, let me cry, let me be myself - warts and all.
They say you got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. I think I'll just hang out with my friends and let the frogs sing in the trees. When the right frog comes along, the women in my life will let me know it. They haven't been wrong yet!
Peace and friendship to ya!
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