Monday, April 28, 2008

Amazing Grace.......

I had an incredible experience this weekend - one of those life-changing experiences. It was so amazing that I don't even know how to describe it or explain it. I only know that I am different now. I only know that much sadness has been lifted from my spirit. I only know that I was witness to such kindness, tender care, love, and faith that I understand at the very deepest level of my being that I have seen Grace. Amazing Grace.

I will not preach. I will not try to force the experience on anyone else. I will not try to make you understand it. I will only tell you that God is good. Life is good. I feel peaceful for the first time in a very long time. And that's why I moved to the Eastern Shore!! To find peace. I felt so strongly when I made the decision to come here that this might be a place where I could find peace. And I was right.

And I haven't even gone to Russia yet!! Imagine what I'll experience there!! I can hardly wait. I am so ready for the trip now - so prepared. I guess I needed this weekend a whole lot more than I thought. It's hard to shine a light for others when you're carrying so much sadness and shame inside yourself. I needed to find some wings. And a wonderful, loving community of people held them out to me and said, "Here, girl. Fly!!"

So fly I will.

Gratitude is a wonderful thing. It will change your life - it's changing mine - every day!! (and I'm about as stubborn as any mule you'll ever find!). Thank you all.


Anonymous said...

God bless you on your trip to Russia next week!

I'm not Lisa said...

Thank you, Joe. We're covered with prayer and that'll make all the difference!