There are some days too beautiful for words. After days of grey and drizzle and rain and fog and mist and cold, I awoke to a thick mist hovering over all the fields this morning. All I could see from my window was fields covered with mist. Coffee cup in hand, I crawled back under the comforter and drifted back to sleep - wandering out into that mist in my dreams. Now there is a beautiful warm day, clear skies, and a bright sun. Everything has come alive with the green of it. I have all of the windows open. New windows!! at least in the downstairs of the house. The new upstairs windows will be put in this weekend and maybe even the new kitchen windows. The warm air is seeping in. My bones feel better. I don't want to go anywhere!! (I 've got taxes to go pick up and errands to run and doctors to see). I want to go out and lie down in the grass next to the flowers and be still and get warm.
Today is a day too beautiful for words. But, you know me, I'm going to try to find them anyway.
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