They're harvesting the winter wheat out at the farm these days. There's a coat of fine, golden dust on everything in my house. I hear the sound of that big machine in the mornings before work and in the evenings when I come home.
I was watching the combine making its way up and down the fields as the sun was starting to set. The farmer harvests the way I mow that big old yard, changing directions sometimes, and working one side of the road for awhile, then crossing over and working the other side, then back across - a change of scenery, I guess. I was thinking that there's probably something pretty zen about driving that combine up and down those fields. In a big kind of way. You know what I mean? Like the way painting a wall is zen - just on a huge scale. I hadn't thought about mowing the yard as being a zen type of experience before. Mostly, I think of it as hard work!! Especially in this blasted heat! But, now that I'm getting ready to move away from the farm and the big yard, I'm thinking that it's not so bad. In the way that such things are not so bad. Hard work, yes. Physically demanding, yes. (It's a really big yard!). But, in doing that work, there's a place that the mind can go and be rested.
I wonder if the farmer has to try not to fall asleep! Or if he drifts off into another place as he goes up and down and back and forth across those fields. I think I'd like that job. Maybe just for a season, just to see what it would be like.
I'm going to miss the wheat fields. They were a beautiful sight this winter. In the midst of all the cold air, blue blue skies, and bare trees, there were these deep green fields of winter wheat. I had a daily reminder that spring was not far away. And then this summer, they have turned a glowing, burnt gold. When I drive out the road to the Homeplace, it seems like that burnt gold stretches for miles. Even though I can see the road and the trees and the edges of the fields, it still seems like they go on for miles. Ever hear Sting's song "Fields of Gold"?
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves among the fields of barley.
You"ll forget the sun in his jealous sky when we walk in fields of gold."
Back to work now. Charts to do and then packing, packing, and more packing. It is my ability to daydream while doing other tasks that saves me!!
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