Monday, June 9, 2008

Good news......

Laurie's staying! Laurie joined our practice last year, right after finishing midwifery school. Our practice is a tough practice - lots of difficult patients, lots of high risk patients, lots of blatant misuse and downright abuse of the system.......... the perfect set-up for burn-out. I can understand the draw of a midwifery practice where folks actually care about what's happening with their own bodies and with their babies...... but she's decided to hang in with us! I am so happy about that. I like Laurie so much - as a person, as a midwife. And I am relieved, too, that all the things I was worrying about are not going to take place!!

So what is it they say about worry being a waste of energy?!

More good news - it's supposed to cool off into the high 80's by Wednesday. Maybe I'll actually get some sleep (as opposed to that sweat-drenched, feverish, restless, weird-dream-filled thing that I've been going through instead of really sleep-sleeping!). Living on the Eastern Shore without air conditioning has made me appreciate the "cooler" days.

My father is 80, my mother is 76. They are both holding their own and doing a fine job of it. I am more grateful for that than anything else these days. They are my cornerstone. They are a huge part of what makes me, me.

Life is good.

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