Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Years Resolutions - again!!

I made the obligatory list of New Year's Resolutions again this year. But with much more good intention than in years past. I mean, I really want to do these things! Really I do! It's just that.......

So eight days into the New Year I'll give you a current scoring on how I'm doing:

1. Drink more water. Score - fair. I've had water every day so far this new year. Just not a lot of it on most days as is my intent. But better than no water at all.

2. Drink only one Diet Dr. Pepper a day. Score - ah well, not so good. I'll admit it. I'm addicted to 'em. They are my main source of caffeine. And I just love the fizz and the taste and the little Diet Dr. Pepper buzz. So I had one day so far I had none, two days I had only one and the other days I had the two I'd cut back to last year........ I'll just keep trying.

3. Walk. Score - zippo. But it's been raining and stuff. (I know I know!! Excuses excuses!)

4. Talk to my kids every day. Score - good but I want it to be great. I waiver between wanting to talk to them every day and not wanting to intrude on their lives. It's funny - they never ever seem to mind when I call. And if they're busy, they either talk quickly or they let me speak to their voice mail. So I'm not sure why I worry about it. I like talking to them every day. They like talking to me every day. So as the old/new saying goes - just do it!

5. Play out (do more gigs). Score - good. Scott and I played at First Wednesday last night. I had such anxiety beforehand. Driving the short distance from Willis Wharf to the Great Machipongo Clam Shack - I just felt like I was going to puke! It was terrible. Scott's presence and smiling face helped so much. I just stepped into a small circle of light with him in it and asked for a bubble of protection from any bad feelings that might be sent our way. And you know - like my friend Cindy always told me - if you need it, you got to ask the universe for it and the universe will provide! And it did! (I asked God. Thanks, Sir.) So we played and it felt good once I got started and got past the nerves. I knew at some point in time I would have to confront those feelings and those demons and, in the end, the worst of the demons left before I ever sang and the biggest of the demons got very small and quiet then left. So I will try to keep this resolution and just get out there and play. Sing. Play with Scott. Play with Hungar's Creek Bluegrass band sometimes. Play solo. Stop being afraid.

6. Do the Upper Room daily devotional thing. Score - less than fair but not a complete failure! I didn't get the book until Sunday. So I did five days worth in one day. Now I'm a couple of days behind again. I'll get there. Or at least I think I will.

7. Fast from sunrise till sundown on Thursdays. Score - we've only had two Thursdays so far in 2009; the first was the 1st and a holiday you know so no fasting that day, and then today, I literally just forgot and ate a big breakfast which is another New Year's resolution!! Crap!! I can be such a ditz sometimes! New Year's resolutions are tough on those of us with perimenopausal brains. Guess I'll need to put a note on my front door or on the kitchen counter to remind myself that I'm planning on fasting on Thursdays. It's a spiritual exercise and one to remind me of what I have and others have not - just in case you were wondering.

8. Write - more songs, more poetry, journal, blog!! Score - well, that depends. I'm not sure if it counts if I write only in my own head. I've got at least six songs going on in there right now and a couple of poems. I think probably I need to count it when it makes it to the outside world! This whole part of a song came to me last night when I was trying to go to sleep. Just started forming its little self inside my brain and taking shape right there before my tired eyes. And I still remember it this morning. So I'd best get to work on it with a guitar in hand!! This is the first time I've written anything on the blog this year - not so swift on that score. And my journal (s) are out and waiting patiently. Just need to........ you know the drill - laundry, supper, dishes, play some tunes, practice the banjo, practice the mandolin, knit........... I forget. Or I just run out of time!

My other New Year's resolutions either have components not applicable yet (like planting lots of flowers in my yard this spring and summer) or are too soon to tell (like go visit my parents at least once a month and call them at least once, if not twice, a week - the calling I've got a superior rating on so far and I'm headed to Raleigh this weekend so..... so far, so good!).

And the resolutions about my diet - learn how to eat breakfast, eat more grains and fruits and vegetables, yada yada - I'll just have to take that a little at a time. (Yes, yada yada is actually one of my many New Year's Resolutions!)

9. I think the softest New Year's Resolution I made and probably the easiest and then maybe the hardest is to love Scott with a love that just flows......... Score so far - 100%. He makes it easy. He is a source of great joy to me. And when I am in the center of my peace, he is there, too. It's my greatest hope for 2009 that we continue to just flow - strong, steady, easy.



Anonymous said...

Diet Dr. Pepper is great, but I still go for diet Sundrop most of the time for my caffeine. Lately I've taken to buying diet A&W Rootbeer for drinking at supper, since it has no caffeine. Seriously, the stuff tastes as good as the regular rootbeer (if you like rootbeer). I'm embarrassed to say that I've even made rootbeer floats with diet A&W. I know, what's the point? But it is GOOD!

Re: your music. If you can get any of your newer tunes to me (via a CD or even a link to some online storage site), I can see what I can do about putting some on your website. You still have about 70MB of disk space, which will hold several mp3s.

miaxapa said...

This is Michael... The guy who said" I will remember your name." Just dropped in to say how impressed and apparently mesmerized I was by your song nowhere. Nice rendition of Tecumseh Valley. My friend tina/miriam poked me in the side to return me to consciousness. Asked if I was ok...Nice job! See you round the shore.

I'm not Lisa said...

Thanks, Michael! If you'd like to hear some really great music and you're out and about on Friday night, the 16th - head on up to the Blarney Stone for an evening of singer-songwriters from as close as Willis Wharf to as far off as Minnesota. I've got a whole crowd of friends coming into town for an event I've dubbed the Annual Surviving the Winter Party. This year will make it about twelve or more years we've gotten together, mid-January. Since I moved to the Eastern Shore, we've added the Friday night concert at the Blarney Stone into the fun! We're a crowd of singer-songwriters. It will be a great night of music and lots of fun! I hope you can come! And spread the word.

PS - I love Townes Van Zandt's music. Thanks for the boost - I needed it!