Thursday, April 24, 2008

The things we do for love..........

I was at the church last night, working with a handful of folks on the Children's Hope Chest Mission team, packing up the suitcases we'll be taking with us on the trip to Russia next Saturday - we've packed 22 so far, 18 more to go. All of the checked bags will be filled with all of the things we're taking to the kids in the orphanages. It's amazing to see all the things that we have to take. And even more amazing to see it being packed!!

While we were packing, one of the women there was ribbing her husband about how long it was taking him to do a task she'd given him to do. It was actually pretty funny, and he took it well. He looked at me and said, "See what I have to put up with?!" My normal response would have been something smart-assed like "Reason # 915 not to get married!" But I didn't say that last night. I just laughed, too. I actually like being around the two of them. I think they have a good marriage and make a good team. Of course, I only see the outside and you never know what things might really be like, but, I really do think they have a lot of love there. And it got me to thinking about the things we do for love. And I've been thinking about that all day. I've been thinking about the thousands of stories I've heard as I've sat quietly and listened to my patients. It never ceases to amaze me the stuff folks get themselves into.

I was telling a friend of mine earlier today that I am a penultimate voyeur. I am always watching. I love to watch! People fascinate me. People's relationships fascinate me. I have found that watching is easier and a helluvalot more entertaining than trying to do it myself. (That's my excuse for today, anyway). But, by watching, I think you do learn. Sometimes you learn things that prove to be incredibly valuable. Sometimes you learn things that'll only get you deeper in trouble in the end!

It seems that so much of the trouble I see stems out of this search for love thing. Sexual love, platonic love, family love. But then, too, comes much good.

This is just for starters. The things we do for love:
We abdicate, adore, anger and agonize. We bite, bitch, beg, borrow, bicker, and berate. We conquer, chastize, chase, captivate and coerce. We demand, demean, degrade, and dictate, but we also delight and dedicate our whole heart sometimes. We examine things in detail and extract great joy out of small things. We fuss and fight and forgive and forget. We gyrate, gesticulate, gawk, and gaze in wonder. We hold, help, and seek harmony, but we also harbor resentment and pass down hate (hate and love are brother and sister, sometimes twin faces on opposite sides of the coin). We idealize and idolize and internalize. We justify and jeopordize and juxtapose our own spirit with another. We kick and kill and kiss and keep the secrets of our loved ones close to our chest, guarding them with our very lives. We lie, lay, languish, and long. We make war not peace. We make love not minding about morality, mortality or mystery. We neglect: ourselves, our health, our children, our wallets, our bodies, our minds. We pursue passion purposefully without preparing properly. We pray. We preach. We project and protect. We quiet, quake, and quicken at the sound of our lover's voice. We rescue, respect, redeem, and rejoice. We screw and screw and screw (even if we don't want to! because it's required somehow. I find this to be particularly true with young women - they give it up, give it out, hand it over - not even knowing that what they are offering is more precious than gold and as unretrieveable as a soul lost at sea). We sacrifice, satisfy, and soothe. We sing the songs of our souls. We tantalize, traumatize, and tempt. We touch. We trust. We teach. And we thirst for more touch. We understand and underestimate. We unclothe and undermine. We value, victimize and vindicate. We worship, want, whine, win, and whither our dreams for another. We x-ray events and experiences and we turn X-rated if all our examinations of our PG-13 existence find us still seeking that mysterious "thing" that we seem to seek so intensely. We yearn. We become zealous or overzealous or zealousless, if we can just figure out if we're coming or going; if we have it or not; if we've found it or lost it or are still somewhere on the road in-between.

I am amazed at what people do for love (or sex or connection) - myself included. Though the watcher that I am, I am still quite guilty of many amazing and dramatic blunders.

I suppose it is part of the human condition - this need for love, sex, acceptance, intimacy, entanglement. Seems like sometimes we've made a mess of it. But then, at other times, when I am with those people and couples that challenge my jaded way of thinking - then I see the beauty in the midst of the madness. There are lots of folks I know really - that show me that beautiful side - my mom and dad (55 years married and still counting), Jody and Bates, Kristen and Charles, Laura and Bill, Bobbi and Steve, Laurie and Clark, Tom and Virginia, my brother Eric and his wife Tina, my friend Jon and his wife Kathy (though I've never met Kathy, I know that Jon loves her - it's as plain as the expression on his face when he talks about her!! one of my favorite things about spending time with Jon is seeing that expression when it comes). My son Daniel and his girlfriend Emily - they are still young, yes, and they have their share of arguements and bickering, yes, but there is something very beautiful in their relationship with one another - something that shines through.

So I will close with this thought (a line from one of my songs): "I would say, in my defense, that I have learned love can go wrong. It can wear you down, it can make no sense, but, in the end, love has made me strong".

Love has made me the person that I am. I have had the great privilege to have lived a life, so far, surrounded by love - friends, family, my kids; lovers and strangers, too, each in their way have shown me love and kindness, tenderness and mercy. And so, while sometimes I long for love (or intimacy or sex or touch or tenderness), I see that I do have it. And the longing is soothed. I might not ever have that one true great partner - but I sure do have lots of love.

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