Saturday, December 8, 2007

A picture from the place that I think of as home, always will. I think that everyone should visit the mountains of North Carolina sometime in their life time. The mountains of North Carolina are as beautiful as any place I've ever seen. I'm not a world traveller by any means, but I have been to many beautiful places. None more beautiful than my own NC mountains. (Ireland is right up there with the North Carolina mountains, especially the Great Blasket Island. I'll post a picture from there some time, if I can ever get my computer to get pictures from photo CDs). (Jody and Bates' place on the mountain in West Virginia is right up there with the North Carolina mountains in beauty. Wilder. More breath-taking in a lot of ways, though Linville Gorge still takes my breath away thirty years after the first time I saw it).

It is a good thing to love one's home. However that gets defined in your own mind. I love North Carolina. I love my mother's house and the way it smells and the way it feels when I walk into the kitchen - the same kitchen I've known since I was nine. I love old Home Place here in Virginia, despite its lack of heat!! There's something about the place that suits me and makes me feel at home there. Franktown UMC feels like a home to me, too. Just feels warm and comforting when I walk through the door there.

When people ask me where my home is, though, as most people will do. "Where are you from?" Think about how often you've asked that or have been asked that. I always say, "I'm from western North Carolina. I grew up in Raleigh, but I lived in western North Carolina for thirty years." That's how I answer that question.

So this is a picture from western North Carolina. It's from Mount Jefferson in Ashe County. Ashe County is where I lived when my children were born and when they were small. Ashe County is their home, too, though Morganton is the place Jacob calls home.

Gotta go catch another baby!
Enjoy the picture!

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