Friday, February 1, 2008

Go Red Day...............

Today is national Go Red for Women Day. Did you wear your red? Me, neither. I forgot. I was so overwhelmed by the process of having to get out of bed this morning into that big ole, cold house..... I stayed up too late last night, talking on the phone to my son, Daniel. What a great conversation we had, though! Awesome! We talked for two hours - about music, school, work, women, men, music, politics, money, church, family, friends, music..... it was great. I love talking to my sons on the phone. We get into some great conversations. Never can tell where the conversation might go!

So back to the National Go Red for Women Day. Go Red for Women is a movement of the American Heart Association to help women come together to make changes necessary to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. There's a great website that explains all about it: Everyone around the hospital today is wearing red. I can't believe I forgot!! And I work with women everyday! And I'm at risk for heart disease - though so far, so good for me and my heart.

I've been reading a book about how to get healthy. Quite a few years back, I kept buying all of these self-help books, trying to fix myself. Instead, I almost made myself crazy. I ditched the self-help stuff and decided to live my life the way that seemed best to me, for me. That seemed the most logical thing to do at that time. And, actually, I think I turned out alright. I mean, I got my quirks and stuff, but, on the whole, I'm pretty much alright. I'm a good person, a good friend, a really good mom (even if I do say so myself).

But I've been thinking a lot lately though about my need to get healthier. Particularly in my physical body, but in my spirit, too. So I bought this neat book and I've been reading about getting healthy. It's a good book. Kind of almost a "getting healthy for dummies" kind of read - easy, straight-forward.

I keep thinking today will be the day that I start. Then I procrastinate another day. That's not going to get me very healthy!! So, little steps and starting today is what I'm going to do. Little steps lead to bigger steps. Maybe by the time I head to Russia, I'll be able to run ALL the way down my road (instead of just part way) and I'll be a non-smoker. That's the hope anyway. I want to be a normal sized, physically fit non-smoker. So I'll have to do it all. But little steps at a time. No fries, no smokes and no beer today. I'm taking a nicotine-beer-french fry holiday!That's the little steps for today.

And, when I get home, I'm going to take a long, hot bath with lavendar oil in the tub. Then I'm going to put on my red long-johns in honor of Go Red Day and I'm going to have turkey chili and a cup of tea. And then I'm going to knit.

Not bad for small steps, I don't guess.
Go Red!

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