Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm gonna survive

After five days of the nastiest bug I've had in a long long time, I've decided I'm gonna survive! I woke this morning with no fever, no chills, and a headache that's settled down to a dull throb - a headache I'm used to rather than the pounding, screaming headace that I had that had me convinced I surely had meningitis. I feel so much better today. I am back on call this afternoon and even got a little housework done (though I still haven't gotten around to mopping the kitchen floor - my least favorite of all housekeeping tasks!).

I woke up Thursday morning to a blanket of snow surrounding my house. My house sits a half mile out a sandy dirt road, with fields of winter wheat all around it. The winter wheat is up now and is as green as the fields of Ireland. An absolutely beautiful color to see in the middle of winter! The snow wasn't as noticeable in the fields because the winter wheat is starting to get thicker and taller now. It looked like the only snow that had fallen was in my big yard. Like I was on some kind of island. It was so lovely. I wish I'd have had the time and the energy to take a picture. As it was, I covered my shivering and aching body in warm clothes, donned hat and mittens, and headed down the road and across the Bay to give a deposition.

Depositions in malpractice cases are a nasty business, any way you look at it. It doesn't matter whose side you're on or even if the case has nothing to do with you or your practice - somewhere in the course of things, someone will try to make you out to be a liar, a sorry excuse for a practitioner, or both. I was not in a good frame of mind anyway. They kept me there two and a half hours, and, as I expected, the opposing counsel did try to make me out to be a liar and a lousy practitioner. I guess feeling like crap worked to my advantage because I did not put up with that kind of crap and gave it right back to him. Funny thing about the whole deal is - there is NO reason that I would lie about anything to benefit the person this lawsuit is against! Not i my wildest dreams, not in a hundred years.

I came home from the experience, nauseated, aching, cold to the bone and crawled into my nest. I slept until well past dark. I got up for a little while and tried to eat but my tummy was having none of it! I went back to bed and slept for another twelve hours.

My friend Michele made me a big pot of homemade chicken noodle soup yesterday. It had six different herbs in it from her own back yard. She said she blessed each one as she added it to the pot. It fixed me. Such kindness in the midst of things is better than any medicine I could have taken. And each soothing mouthful of that soup calmed my inside.

Today I am much much better. I'm gonna survive after all. I'm back on call this afternoon and even managed to get some housework done.

Better get back to work now. Chin up! It pays the rent!
Peace. Stay well.

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