Saturday, November 10, 2007

First tries

I've had such a great time reading my friend Michelle's blog that I thought, "Hey! what the hell? I'll give it a try." So here I am, making the first post. Any thoughts? Way too many, to tell you the truth. Seems like my head is always going - full blast - no breaks. Not even when I'm sleeping - which I don't do much with my head going so hard. I'd like to think it's perimenopause, but it seems like I've been like that for almost as long as I can remember. Used to lie awake at night and listen to my sister breathing, sucking her thumb, and rubbing the edge of the blanket between her fingers. When I was a teenager, I lived on two or three hours of sleep a night.

I'm well trained to be a midwife. Which is what I do. Part of my definition. Will have many more thoughts to come. Right now, I need to go do my job.


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