Sunday, November 11, 2007

I stand corrected...

Technically, I only delivered three babies today. Dr. John delivered the fourth by cesarean section. I took care of her all night but that the little one wasn't going to be coaxed out in the traditional method so the alternative route was selected. She was a wee little thing, too. It's funny how sometimes the little ones are the ones that get stuck. So five babies for the practice this weekend - one by cesarean. That's a twenty percent c-section rate - lower than the national average anyway!!

Tomorrow, after Bible Study, I think I shall have a Guiness. I know that those two thoughts there are inconsistent, but I'm in the sparkly place and a Guiness sounds really good just about now. Less than 24 hours left on call!! I've almost made it.

My son Jacob is a North Carolina Teaching Fellow in his second year at UNC-Chapel Hill. He found out this week that he got the summer teaching fellow trip to Ireland!! Another good reason to celebrate with a Guiness.

Nap time!!

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