Friday, January 25, 2008

Surviving the Winter.....

The whole crew was here last weekend for the annual "Surviving the Winter" party. We had such fun. And it's such an affirmation for me as a songwriter, singer, person - to be with these people and share that space of time. It does so much for my soul, my spirit, my life. The dark of winter leaves for the space of two or three days. There is nothing but warmth and light and music in my home. It is magic. It is something I cannot create by myself. It is something that is created by this community of songwriters, who have all become dear friends.

My boys have joined the community, too, and sit in the circle with beaming and smiling faces. Sometimes playing along, sometimes only smiling and listening. My best friends are there, Bobbi and Steve, listening and laughing, too. Now there are new friends from my new home in Virginia who also join the circle, either to play along or to soak in the magic and take a little of it home with them.

I am reminded again of how truly blessed I am. I sat in the living room on Saturday night, into the wee hours of Sunday morning, looking around the room at my circle of friends, my community of songwriters, my inspiration, the folks who care for my muse and shield her from any harm. Sometimes she goes off to other places - maybe to the Bahamas or South America to get warm - and I miss her so much when she is gone from me. My friends - each one - Karl, Tim, Lorna, JC, Bruce, Mary Gordon, Chip, Jon Elion,Steve, Phyllis, Jon Zachary, Daniel, Jacob, Eric, Sam, Bobbi and Steve, Tom, Scott, Karen, Emily and Malaika - they have brought her back home to me.

That is how I survive the winter.
Life is good. God is great.

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