Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday night musings (waitin' on another little one)

I was on call this past weekend and had one of the hardest calls I can remember to date. I delivered seven babies during the course of the weekend and labored an eighth that had to come out by the alternative route. And several of those births were absolutely beautiful - the kind of births that midwives live for - calm, peaceful, holy.

I think it was the timing of things and the amount of physical energy the weekend demanded in combination with the sleep deprivation it also required. I was struggling through some tough emotional stuff, too, and caught in a conflict I can't seem to resolve. So my brain and my heart were both churning away. It was exhausting.

I was so tired yesterday afternoon that I, literally, could not think straight! I went to the gas station because my gas warning light was on (and had been on for several days!) and I couldn't remember how to get the gas tank open. Then I couldn't get the card reader thingy to work on the gas pump. I went home to try to nap before Monday night Bible study. I never did nap. I picked up my guitar instead and started working on a song that is somewhere between the synapses of my brain and the sound hole on my guitar. I wanted to hear it in the room instead of in my head! It has been going in my head for the past week, doing all its working in there, being born. It, too, was keeping my already-overloaded brain from getting any rest. But it also gave me a tremendous amount of solace as well.

The pastor at my church commissioned me to write a song for Lent. A song that would go along with the series of sermons that he's doing. He gave me a list of the sermon titles, the scripture readings for each, and a general overview of the theme of the series. I haven't ever been commissioned to write a song before (well, once - for a fiftieth wedding anniversary party for two people I'd never met before - and that didn't go very well!) and, most certainly have never been commissioned to write a song for church. It's been more than a "challenge". In fact, challenge isn't anything like what it's been. It's been a trip inside of my own spirit, an exploration into the feathery network of my spirituality. It's been very powerful. It's been very revealing. And it's been humbling.

And that's just been the reading, the thinking, the praying, and the lyrics!! I hadn't even picked up the guitar until yesterday!! It is coming together. And, for me, it will be a beautiful song. I don't know as I'll ever share it with anyone other than Alex (my pastor), my friend Bobbi, maybe my mom. Singing in church scares me to death! And when I think about singing this...... well....... I don't know. Guess I'll just wait and see if the Spirit moves me in that direction.

And I imagine the Spirit will. I think that is part of the whole point!

Wish me luck. Light a candle and say a prayer for me.


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